Ramadan 2024
The Muslim Student Crisis
Muslim university students in the UK many of whom:
Question their beliefs in God
Do not practice
Have never connected to their faith
Why is there a crisis?
They don't have a safe space to ask questions to someone learned.
They are exposed to an influx of conflicting ideas and temptation.
Their avenues for religious learning are irrelevant, un-structured or impractical.
Our purpose is to enable university students to live God-centred lives. We are the first and only educational provider catering for this audience at scale with a comprehensive programme that aims to positively transform their lives.
The Essentials
The Essentials is a modular, transformative educational program designed to bring Muslim adults closer to their creator. The Essentials aspires to re-package fard ‘ayn (individually obligatory) knowledge in a way that provokes deep reflection and a transformation in both the mindset and behaviour of students.
Roots Retreat
Our Roots Retreat allows us to take Roots outside the classroom. We provide opportunities for spiritual growth, community building and a deeper understanding of Islam in a focused and immersive setting. We combine the unique Roots learning experience, with a range of outdoor activities, from archery to hikes, and competitions to campfires.
Firmly Rooted
Firmly Rooted is a podcast dedicated to delving deep into the experiences of Muslim students in university. Through relevant conversations with engaging speakers, we aim to uncover and explore the distinctive hurdles they confront, fostering a better understanding of their challenges within the university environment.
What our students say
"Roots is a must attend for Muslims at all stages of Imaan. Whether you are practicing or non practicing, the course allows you to learn the basics of your religion."
"For beginners like myself this was a fun way of me acquiring knowledge of important aspects of the deen whilst not feeling overburdened."
"Roots is an opportunity that should not be passed up. The classes are both knowledgable, and interactive, inspiring one to push further and try harder."
"Never reflected on my purpose in this dunya and this course has made me seek the answers and come back with certainty to Islam."
" I was in tears by the end of the course. My faith is revived. "
" I really thought I wasn't good enough or worthy or religious enough to attend and today was my first day and I'm so glad I came. "
"Every lesson leaves me looking forward to the next, it leaves me excited to tell friends and family about all the gems and take away points."
"It is beneficial, packed and contemporary. Taught by passionate instructors and the curriculum is well curated and of quality. Above all it is free!"
"I have learnt so much from all of the Roots courses that I have attended; I truly feel as though they have provided me with the motivation and foundations needed to improve myself as a Muslim."
"This course is not like any other Islamic lecture in the sense that you are able to solidify your understanding of the foundations of Islam which is something that is overlooked.
"You never realise how much you need to learn until you start learning. Trust Allah, take that step forward and join a Roots course!"
"The interactions are nice, the content is relevant to us as university students, the tone is entertaining but serious so it keeps us interested."
"The teacher is very engaging and the content is made very useful for understanding Islam deeply as well as aspects you can apply to your current life and activities."
The Future
Our Goals
So what do we need this money for?
Increase Impact
Expand the Roots Essentials course from 22 to 35 UK university campuses and increase depth of student reach at all sites.
Establish Roots Umrah
Launch the Roots Umrah as a supplementary learning experience for Roots students in which the Essentials Seerah module is taught as part of an immersive umrah experience.
Introduce our App
Roll-out the Roots App to all existing campuses to better understand, teach, and impact students.
Beyond the Essentials
Develop and launch a further-Essentials programme consisting of two supplementary modules: > Work, money, and wealth > Marriage, family life, and building a home.
Make the Essentials curriculum materials and teacher training available to mosques and other institutions.
Live Online
Launch live, online Roots Essentials course in condensed seminar formats to reach a broader audience in the UK and beyond.
Donate Now
"Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it."
Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) – Sahih Muslim 1893